I: Is Biting Your Tongue a Constructive Method?

A2Z-BADGE [2016]


Okay, you’ve got me. I’m out of inspirational and motivational thoughts at the moment.

Just like some days at work. Just like some days at home. Just like in life.

There are moments in life (too many of them!) where sometimes the only technique that gets us through is biting our tongues.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that there are instances where we should not bite our tongue, we need to speak up and be vocal about what is happening. There are times where we most definitely need to speak our minds and not let a situation go unrecognized.

But, there are also times where biting our tongue and moving on are the best thing to do. Some days, it lets us keep our jobs, where we may end up on the other end of a pink slip if we really tell that annoying customer (or co-worker, or boss) what we’re thinking.

This is something that needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis. Only you will know the answer about if this is the right time to speak your mind, or if it’s the right time to be silent, leave the incident behind and go forward into a new day.

I don’t think there’s an easy, clear cut answer that addresses all situations. Have you ever been in a moment where you needed to bite your tongue? Conversely, did you ever bite your tongue when you now wish you’d spoken up?

bite 1

bite 2

bite 3


bite 4

12 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. mhsusannematthews
    Apr 11, 2016 @ 12:13:58

    You really nailed this one. Sometimes keeping quiet is wise, but man it takes a lot of willpower to do so. By the way, woke up to an inch and a half of snbow again. Definitely not inspired!


    • trishafaye
      Apr 11, 2016 @ 12:21:20

      Yikes. I’m sorry. We’re having thunderstorms here today, but I’ll take those over snow any day. Stay warm and safe, my friend!


      • mhsusannematthews
        Apr 11, 2016 @ 12:25:20

        It’s 28 degrees and damp. I’d rather have a t-storm too.

      • trishafaye
        Apr 11, 2016 @ 20:49:44

        I had to sign in for jury duty this morning at 8:20. Started raining just as I left the house. POURED! I almost pulled over several times, it was raining so hard I almost couldn’t make out the lanes. Got out shortly after noon, not picked thank goodness. It’s now sunny and beautiful with white fluffy clouds floating across the horizon. And much warmer than 28!

  2. tcausten
    Apr 11, 2016 @ 18:49:22

    Great post. Where I work, I have to bite my tongue often, otherwise I will get into trouble.
    I look forward to reading more from you


  3. Patricia Tilton
    Apr 11, 2016 @ 21:57:47

    Great discussions. It has taken me years, but I’ve learned to trust/listen to the wee voice in me that in a flash says “do you really want to say that?” And, it is always right.


  4. Nilanjana Bose
    Apr 12, 2016 @ 05:29:45

    To know when to bite one’s tongue and when to speak up and how loud, is a skill that takes a lifetime to learn. Thought provoking post, enjoyed reading your take.

    Best wishes,
    Ninja Minion, A-Z 2016


  5. Susan Scott
    Apr 12, 2016 @ 11:42:39

    silence is often appropriate, but there are definitely times to speak up. Thanks Trisha.


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